10/24/2010 - The diet begins, in an effort to regain control of my weight gain, I've established an eating schedule that I will not eat out of. I am also forgoing any type of sugary drink, and only drinking water. Exercise will occur on any day that I do not work, as anything above a six hour shift is usually painful and exhausting. These exercise bouts will be 10 minutes of calisthenics, including sit-ups, push-ups, squats, leg raises, and stretching afterwards. I made the mistake of no stretching the first time, couldn't move my abs without intense pain.
11/23/2010 - The diet goes headstrong, replacing morning cereal with non-sugar substitute, and lunch with full fruit meal, dinner will be whatever mother serves.
12/22/2010 - The start of P90-x, the murderous exercise routine that has a regiment of 90 days of 1hourish workouts, the exercising will be repeated forever?
The costume!
Here comes the fun~
Bamboo Staff - 11/5/10 Purchase, stain, red-ribbon
Coolie Hat - Done by November 20th, stained, assembled, tested for headwear and attached with string and fur
Panda gloves - Done by December 30th, stuffed, tested~
Panda Feet/Barrel - January 30th/February 30th I'm not sure what project I want to take first, these will take the most time because these are the things I'm most unfamiliar with.
Panda Head - March - the make it or break it of the costume~ looking forward to new ideas.
Kimono - April - By this time i'll have the hardest and most crucial elements of the costume done, as well as hopefully most of my weight lost
Finishing touches - April/May, a lot of the small things i'll need to work on - belt, bottles sustainability and mobility.
Obviously I would like to finish everything earlier than this schedule, but time and cost restraints occur, so we'll see how it flows ^_^
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